Archive for October, 2006
Monday, October 30th, 2006
Monday. Taxi driver trying to cheat me at 5:30AM, telephones to his company, complaints and Important Guy calling me back to say sorry and to let me know that they are improving. Morning flight to Brussels. Finally I had 3 seconds to look out of the window and notice that the world is beautiful. 3 seconds during 3 weeks – not bad.Again I am speeding up. Project in Brussels (3rd week starting), studies (damn – homeworks! and exams!), partying in Warsaw (hard as always… or maybe even harder) and too little sleep. I never switch off. Trying to listen to the French courses on my ipod. Going fast forward without knowing were it leads. Just to keep myself occupied. There is not such a thing as “spare time”. There is always something to arrange. Dentist visit in 4 weeks, prepare 2 team projects for studies, new project at work, arrange new years eve, find a suitable moment (and destination!) for vacation next year, have a beer after work, catch a flight to Warsaw and go to party. I made up a joke that the first thing that i do in the morning is switching on the computer to check where the fuck i am today – Warsaw, Brussels, Gdansk, Bad Schonborn, Walldorf… and why is it dark outside and the clock shows 5am?
Oh yes, airport, taxi, 5:30. But, I guess, I like it. :-)
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Friday, October 13th, 2006
There was too little bullshit in my blog recently. So I’ve decided to change it. :-)
Here you can find the amazing time-waster. I can spend hours playing with it and re-discovering the gravity laws. Enjoy. :-)
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Sunday, October 8th, 2006

Last week was quite busy. 3 days of work in Walldorf (Germany), later 2 days of team off-site meeting in Hanau (Germany). 60 people from 11 countries. Power of diversity. Polish team is the second biggest after Germans. We got an unofficial nickname “Former Soviet Republic”. LOL. At least this one is funny. In fact I am proud to be Polish and I am really happy that these were Russians who colonized us in 1945 not the Americans. I mean the culture…
This week I am spending in Warsaw. After spending some time in Germany I must say I really like it. Trams, people, streets… it all makes the well known pattern – my natural environment.
I am sick again. Autumn’s coming and I can feel it in my old bones.
Next week I am starting in Brussels. New adventure. I hope to have nice time there. And maybe find a girl to practise French… dirty French. hłehłehłe
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Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006
I love my corporation for those little surprises they keep preparing for me. This one – in the toilet of the Warsaw office – last week.
With Koala – my ex-flatmate. On Saturday in Warsaw.
View from my hotel window in Hirschberg Großsachsen, Germany. Made this morning.Today is German Unity Day – bank holiday in Germany. So we are sitting with some Polish colleagues in the empty factory (where usually 10.000 people work – SAP HQ, Walldorf, Germany). On Thursday and Friday I go to Hanau, Germany for team offsite meeting. Beer + propaganda.
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Sunday, October 1st, 2006
“Życie jest podróżą – ciesz się nią” wpisała mi w książce autorka – Kinga. Objechała świat dookoła autostopem. W 5 lat. Była w wielu miejscach gdzie ani my, ani żadni ludzie których znamy nie odwiedzą. Umarła kilka miesięcy temu na malarię w Afryce w trakcie swojej kolejnej podróży. Miała niewiele ponad trzydzieści lat, ale na maxa wykorzystała ten czas.
“Life is a journey – enjoy it” – Kinga wrote this dedication for me in a book of hers. She traveled the world around hitch-hiking. It took her 5 years. She had been to many places that neither us nor anybody we know will ever go. She passed away a few months ago of malaria. She was in her early 30s but she made the best use of this time.
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