Archive for the photos category
Sunday, August 26th, 2007
[Leh, 20-08-2007]
AMS – Acute Mountain Sickness. Symptoms: headache, lethargy, dizziness, difficulty sleeping, and loss of appetite. Had all of them. Recovery usually takes a day or two. Three days and two nights in my case. Rested a lot, slept 12-16 hours per day, sweared like hell and got better. Lesson learnt: taking a flight to high altitude is not the best idea. Take a bus instead.
But the flight itself was so worth it. Delhi-Leh. Over snowy mountain tops and exciting landing (lowering down to the tops of hills surrounding Leh, then a narrow 180 degrees turn and a smooth touchdown – priceless). Koala was waiting for me at the airport.
Luckily Dalai Lama himself was visiting the around so luckily we’ve seen him (and took some pics). White skin got us straight to the VIP sector. Lots of luck.
After 3 days in Leh we are going to Kashmir.

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Thursday, August 16th, 2007
All pictures were taken in Varanasi, India.
6am boat trip:

during a breakfast in a roof top restaurant we watched (and were watched by) monkeys on the surrounding buildings
Ganges blessing evening celebration:

Varanasi Panorama:

[update: 26-08-2007]

Rikshaw ride.
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Monday, August 13th, 2007
Pełne wrażeń 2 dni w Indiach. Uczę się tego kraju. Na razie jestem nieśmiały i niepewny. Mnogość doznań, widoków, twarzy, zwierząt, zapachów. Dokładnie wszystko jest nowe, nieznane, inne. Daję sobie czas na aklimatyzację. Muszę się nauczyć jak się poruszać, zachowywać, dawać radę.
Przylatuję do Delhi 11 sierpnia rano. Z lotniska autobusem do centralnej stacji koleji, od razu przyzwyczajam się do widoku auto-rikszy, których wokół są tysiące, szybko przechodzę przez bazar (okolicę hosteli), cośtam jem, kupuję jakieś drobiazgi i już tego samego dnia po południu jadę pociągiem do Varanasi (na wschód). Pociąg oczywiście odjeżdża z ponad 3 godzinnym opóźnieniem, ale spędzam ten czas ze spotkanymi na peronie Brytyjkami, którym wszyscy zaglądają w dekolty. Przynajmniej nie jestem największą atrakcją. Oczywiście najłatwiej kontakt nawiązuje się z dzieciakami. Lesson learnt: nie puszczać oka do mamusiek.
Jadę sleepers’em (2nd class, no AC) razem z Japończykiem Takashi i całą masą lokalesów. Wrzucam plecak pod siedzenie i przypinam kupionymi wcześniej łańcuchami. Zamawiam posiłek wegetariański (ryż + leczo + przyprawy + więcej przypraw zapakowane w folową torebkę jak dragi, wszystko to na aluminiowych tackach zawinięte w folię aluminiową) – lepsze niż w Lufthansie. :-) I kolejna lekcja – po spożyciu opakowania wyrzucamy za okno (wbrew moim zasadom, ale ulegam lokalnym znawcom obyczajów). W nocy dosiada się jeszcze parka mieszana Hiszpanów. Zasypiam twardo i budzę się koło 10tej.
Stoimi na jakiejś stacji. Nagle Hiszpanie zaczynają robić zamieszanie. Biegają, pakują się, mówią, że przejechaliśmy Varanasi. Wyglądam za okno, patrzę na zegarek… hmmm… może i przejechaliśmy, ale na pewno nie wysiadam tutaj, toż to jakieś zadupie totalne jest. No ale Hiszpanie, wiadomo, w gorącej wodzie kąpani, i już za chwilę widzę ich na peronie przeskakujących przez tory i pędzących do stacji. Za moment przyjeżdża lokalny pociąg z przeciwnego kierunku, obładowany ludźmi, z boku podwieszone rowery, w środu masa pakunków. Okazuje się, że jest tylko jeden tor, a to była mijanka. No dobra, no to brniemy dalej w nieznane. Na spokojnie z Takamashi próbujemy ustalić fakty. Decydujemy się wysiąść w Mau, 2h od Varanasi, i tam złapać express z powrotem. Dojeżdżamy ekspres stoi 2 tory dalej, bieg, ale express od razu rusza i nam ucieka. No trudno.
No to jesteśmy w Mau (mieście którego nie ma w Lonely Planet, OMG! ;-) ). Szaro, same riksze rowerowe, kropi, a potem zaczyna się potworna ulewa. Ludzie się na nas gapią, a my siedzimy sobie i czekamy. Jakieś tam interakcje z ludźmi. Fajka z rikszabrzem, pokazywanie książki sprzedawcy orzeszków, zabawa z 2-letnim dzieckiem (mama nawet dała mi potrzymać księżniczkę, ale ta zaraz zaczęła płakać). Pociąg spóźnia się 5 godzin. Docieramy do Varanasi wieczorem po zmroku.
Przepychanki z rikszarzami w końcu bierzemy pre-paid’a. Jestem zmęczony, nieufny i arogancki. Jeszcze nie potrafię odróżniać złych twarzy od dobrych, przekrętu od chęci pomocy. Do tego deszcz, i ulice zalane na 15 cm. Rikszarz chce nas podwieźć pod hotel, chce wyminąć korek na głównej drodze i skręca w ciemne wąskie boczne uliczki. Jak zaczyna jechać w przeciwnym kierunku wietrzę postęp, wkurzam się i besztam go. “Excuse me sir, but I know the way.” Zupełnie niepotrzebnie wybucham. Każę mu zawieźć nas do głównego placu. W końcu docieramy. Rikszarz mówi jak dojść do hotelu, dziękuje i żegna się. A mi głupio, bo był miły, a ja nie.
No to zostało tylko zadanie znalezienia hotelu. Wokół masa pomocnych młodzieńców, którzy nie chcą się odczepić, ale chcą Cię zaprowadzić tylko do ichniego hotelu, bo w tym co wybrałeś nie ma miejsc. Jeden jest wybitnie natręny, nie chce się odczepić. Ignoruję go i pytam sklepikarzy o drogę. On twierdzi, że zna drogę i że zaprowadzi, ale ja znowu jestem bezczelny i próbuję go przegonić. Giniemy w gąszczu uliczek szerokich na półtora metra. wszędzie ludzie, pootwierane sklepiki, handel wszystkim, brud, krowy, kozy, kupy, ulewa. Natręt idzie cały czas z nami, a ja co jakiś czas pytam się sklepikarzy, czy na pewno idziemy w dobrym kierunku. “To the left sir, welcome to Varanasi.” Jak w dzielnicy wysiada elektryczność, to przestaję besztać natręta, który ma latarkę i tylko modlę się o jego ucziwe intencje. Docieramy do hotelu o 21. Nie ma pokoi, ale będzie jeden po 23. Jemy pierwszy tego dnia posiłek w hotelowej restauracji na tarasie z widokiem na spowity w ciemnościach Ganges. Schodzą emocje. O 23 dowiadujemy się, że nie ma pokoju, recepcjonista dzwoni do innych hoteli, w trzecim mają miejsca, przychodzi boy. Prowadzi nas ciemnymi ulicami przez 5 min i zachrypniętym głosem opowiada ciekawe rzeczy o Varanasi. Hotel słaby, obsługa ponura, pokój mały (jak na Okopowej), tylko podwójne łóżko i ściany. Kibel/prysznic w jednym wspólny. Bierzemy razy dwa. Żegnam się z Takamashi. Marzę tylko o prysznicu i przebraniu ciuchów, które założyłem jeszcze w Gdyni. Robię to i padam spać przy zamkniętych oknach i wirującym wentylatorze. Pierwsza noc w łóżku w Indiach. Uratowany. :-)
Dziś (13 sierpnia) pobódka o 10tej, powrót do ładnego hotelu, a potem szwędanie się po ulicach. Odwiedzam miejsca gdzie palone są zwłoki. Zaduma i przygnębienie. Chodzę brudnymi ulicami. Nieśmiało zaczynam robić zdjęcia. Bardzo uważam (bardziej niż inni turyści z równie wielkimi aparatami). Trochę żałuję, że nie wziąłem też małej cyfrówki. Wracam do hotelu koło 18stej. Na dziś wystarczy. Muszę uważać, żeby nie przeholować fizycznie. Piję dużo wody, 3 prysznice dziennie dla ochłody. Organizm stary i nie przyzwyczajony, a warunki niezwykłe.
Uczę się Indii. Są zupełnie inne niż wszystko co widziałem wcześniej. Fakt, że podróżuję sam wzmacnia doznania, sprawia, że odbieram wszystko bardziej, mocniej. Masa czasu na przemyślenia. Na pewno cenne doświadczenie.
Dalszy plan – 2 dni w Varanasi, potem powrót do Delhi, żeby 17stego polecieć do Leh – daleka północ, Himalaje.

Bazaar street in Delhi.



Gimme some power.

Ganges view from Alka Hotel.

Ganges view from Alka Hotel.

Streets of Varanasi.

Pilgrims in Varanasi.
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Thursday, July 26th, 2007
Roskilde (08.07.2007)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers:

Festival exit:

Tuborg Zone (VIP tents :-) ):

The main scene:

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Wednesday, July 25th, 2007
Roskilde (7.07.2007)
Pavilon Scene – Strike Anywhere |
Karaoke queen |

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Wednesday, July 25th, 2007
Roskilde (6.07.2007)
Shall the destruction begin:

The main scene (Orange) – Queens of the Stone Age, Nephew:

Odeon scene – Peter Bjorn and John:

to be continued…
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Monday, July 2nd, 2007
Last week spent 3 days in Stockholm again. First Ignacio came to pick up his keys to Brussels apartment which I took away by an accident when I was visiting 2 weeks before. His plane arrived late, then he ran out of fuel on the to Stockholm so he finally arrived at 1:30 am. Then we had to find a place to park his car and then I had to bring him to my hotel and sleep him over illegally. Like corporate hippies. And then he took off at 6 am. The other day I met with Joanna (MCP Sweden – for some people these magic letters mean a lot :-) ). We went to a place where beer costs 25 SEK (2,5 euros) = crazy cheap for Sweden and where they bring you another one without asking if you want it or not. So we talked a lot as always about life, sharing our different points of view, etc. As always interesting experience.Weekend was all about moving out and moving in. First on Friday moving Tomek from his old apartment in Warsaw to his own new one. And then on Saturday moving me from Warsaw to Gdynia. Since I have 2 months of vacation period at my studies there is no need for me to spend time in our lovely capital. So I just moved back to my parents’ place (sic!). No plans for how long.And on Saturday night went to Opener Festival in Gdynia. Heavy rain. Lines for everything except for beer. At least met some friends. Didn’t care about the concerts at all. Went home early. Woke up tired.Aurelie had birthday on Sunday. Missed that party. Happy birthday!
Mat got married in Santa Barbara (USA) – congrats!, God bless America!, Andrzej is getting married in 3 weeks in Bydgoszcz (Poland) (and I am gonna be his best man)… Real weddings season.

Stockholm – Central Station area
*) gierka (polish) – little game
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Saturday, June 16th, 2007
On a plane today I was sitting in the back. There was a little Asian girl sitting in the row behind mine on the other side. She could be 10. With a small lufthansa plastic bag with documents she was sitting there by a window. She must had had a long way behind. She didn’t look ok. She was sitting straight, pale on her face and she was shaking. Next to her there was a guy in a suit 32, and a woman, same age, also on a business travel. So the little girl was obviously not ok. She looked as she was extremely cold or scared or excited or about to throw up… Don’t know. But obviously she was not fine. The guy noticed that but did not help. The same with a the lady (but she had an excuse that she was sitting too far). I just couldn’t look at this. Stopped the stewardess. Excuse me, but I think that this kid needs some attention… She went there asked in English if everything was ok (more the people next to her than the girl), asked to take a look at her during the landing, said thank you to me and went away. Very helpful – 15 seconds of an illusion of we-care. Bullshit. Just 20 more minutes of the little girl’s shaking and we landed. Nobody did anything. But we landed and everything was fine. No victims, she didn’t throw up.
I wish she was sitting next to me. We would listen to a music from iPod, look at some photos, or just go through a newspaper. And maybe she would grown up for a little more different person – more helpful, more caring, more open. But no – this is a tough world baby and you have make it on your own.I am sick of this emotionless world.
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Thursday, June 14th, 2007
Chcę tylko wejść w sandałach do strumyka gdzieś w dalekim kraju i chodzić. Nie mieć problemów, myśleć, uśmiechać się. Mieć proste życie, tam gdzie życie jest proste. Być bliżej natury i codziennie się nią zachwycać. Moje będą palmy i zachody słońca. I nic nie będzie na opak.

update (English translation):
I just wanna walk into a stream wearing sandals in a country far, far away. Have no problems, think, smile. Have a simple life where life is simple. Be closer to nature and admire it every day. Palms will be mine and sunsets will be mine. And everything will be on its place.
posted in bullshit, in-english, in-polish, mobile, photos | country: nowhere | trackback | no comments »
Wednesday, June 13th, 2007
Weekend in Brussels:

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Tuesday, May 29th, 2007

(yet another hostel)

(6 am)

(this is my cow)
on the road:

Misol Ha:


Some town:

San Juan Chamula – the only town in Mexico where the Maya’s beliefs are mixed with catholig religion:

(I had no idea into what I had stepped into by taking a picture of this girl. You can already see it in her grin. She followed me for the next 10 minutes asking for money for this picture. And when I wanted to buy something from her instead of giving money she just refused. Left her with nothing.)

(Shoes shopping/kid feeding.)


(ready to fight… for a customer)

(two altars)

(by night)
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Monday, May 28th, 2007

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Thursday, May 24th, 2007
Went to W.W.D.M.K.T.S.A.W.J.P.T.N. (Koala and Galeria65 invited me). Was pretty ok. Drunk some wine and stared at some photos. Lonely.

I think i will buy one of those digital frames one day. Pretty awesome.
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Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

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Friday, May 18th, 2007
This will be my last night in Mexico. I took an overnight bus to Veracruz. What you get is quite a typical touristic resort. But that’s okey – I decided to come here just because it has very god connections to Mexico City where I have a flight to catch tomorrow. Sandra was to join me here to see me before I leave but she used some cheap excuse and cancelled. ;-) I have spent 5 hours on a beach reading a book, swimming… Got sunburned. And I decided to use up a free night at the Holiday Inn in the center. Got a nice room. :-) Being a corporate bitch sometimes pays off. :PLast 4 days I have spent in San Cristobal. Really liked it. Quite a small city with many attractions around. I took tours to Palenque (Indian pyramids in the jungle), Canyon del Sumidero (boat trip – pretty relaxing), religious villages (very, very impressive, villagers claiming to be Christians keeping Mayas traditions and practicing them in the church in front of the figures of catholic saints, saying traditions I mean rituals like taking away the illnesses by sacrificing a chicken, etc.). I also met a nice German chick (Tina), too nice to be German :D and we were hanging around together during the last day. Hope to stay in touch.
Did some shopping. Before in Puebla I bought a poncho and a Mexican style pullover with a hood (this one I’m gonna wear for sure). Yesterday I bought a super-cool cowboy’s hat. One of those that you enter the shop and you see it and you know this is THE ONE. So happy. Well spent 7 euros. :D And of course I bought many little things.
Tomorrow flying back home from Mexico city. Don’t wanna go back home.
Have tons of unprocessed pictures. I think I will have to work on them back at home (or on the airport if I have some time).

Here is a photo of me sitting on my bed in my modest room in Veracruz, crying to be leaving Mexico.
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Monday, May 14th, 2007
Mexico City – just as a proof that i was there (was i?):

Teotihuacan – big pyramids, sellers hunting on tourists and one Mexican revolutionist … we also made pink idiots there with Sandra (details soon):

Oaxaca – the way there and some street photos from a local festival and the photo of Miguel visiting Ivan:

Around Oaxaca – a fucking big tree, Agua de Something – one of three formations like that, another one is in Pamukkale in Turkey and the last one is in Argentina… so if i go to Argentina I am done with those things, and finally – a booze factory:

Monte Alban – yet another pyramids and a nice car with a cactus:

I am in San Cristobal in Chiapas – the region in the central part of Mexico. Staying here for one more night and then going to Veracruz for a night (free night in a nice hotel) and then Mexico City and hop to Warsaw.
I am tired of taking pics. Not much satisfaction. Spent the last two days with the nature – just to catch a breath. Tomorrow going to see some villages that developed some crazy mix of religions.
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Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

Finally started traveling on my own. Spending time with Sandra and Jaime was fun but time to move on. Especially that being for too long with a happy couple is not fun anymore after some time (sweet kisses every 30 seconds… damn!). Sandra scared me a little with all the stories how dangerous traveling in Mexico can be. But now being on my own I don’t feel that. Just always look as you knew where you where going (even if you have no freaking idea).
Had some doubts if I still like this kind of traveling. But after today I am sure that there is nothing I like more.
Pick-up trucks filled up with dark-skin guys in cowboy’s hats, colorful buildings, street food, kids working on the streets, tacos, beer with lemon juice (mecholade), policemen with long guns, big trucks, road through steps with cactuses, women with Indian faces selling colorful textiles… Mexico, baby, hell yeah!
(I have a little lag with the pictures but will try to work on that).
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Wednesday, May 9th, 2007
Some pics from Tepoztlan:

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Wednesday, May 9th, 2007
The funny thing is that when you are starting your day with the first morning coffee at work I am finishing the battle of brandy with some Mexican cabrones with a special dedication to cuba libra.

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Friday, May 4th, 2007
Some nature and stupid-tourists pictures from Africam Safari Park.

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Thursday, May 3rd, 2007
Mexico stroke me with colors, sounds, tastes, music, food, alcohol, weather, traditions. When we finally find a moment just to sit and drink and relax it finally comes to me where I am and what I am doing. So freaking far away from home. But the distance is not so important. If countries that have nothing in common like Poland and Germany are neighbours it could easily be Poland and Mexico. The bright side of the story is delicious food, mariachi, beer (tried beer with salsa… yhhhh), sunshine, music. The sad side is poverty, kids working on the streets. But also here – you can see some smiles and happiness. Sandra is a true sweetheart. She and her family tries to make me feel like at home. We went visiting around Puebla. Seen a church built on a top of a pyramid. Triumph of the new religion over the old traditions (from the Spanish conquers times). And I ate a bug. Two actually. What’s more – I bought them. Thought it would be more disgusting. Actually was quite ok (spicy) till the moment there is just a crunchy cover left in your mouth. Had to split. Once in the lifetime (twice actually).
Catholic church built after the Spanish invasion on top of the ancient pyramid. And nowadays guys performing an ancient dance next to it.
In the evening we went visiting the center of Puebla. Ended up in a nice bar with beer, tequila and mariachi. Muchos fun.
(this story is a mess but just wanted to explain the pictures a little)

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Thursday, May 3rd, 2007
Mexico city welcomed me with heavy gray sky and wet streets. It looked very impressive from the air, after the dusk, with all the orange lights on. Huuuuge city. One tip regarding the travel – never take Air France. The food they server on the plane… damn, what the hell is that? :-)Sandra came with her boyfriend to pick me up from the airport. Then just 2 of us took a bus to Puebla. Then parents picked us up from the bus station, went to buy the first meal (tacos) and then stayed in the kitchen till 2 am (9 am for me) talking. The good news is that with Sandra we started up right where we finished in Turkey. 3 years passed and we are still very good friends – right away. Really great. And you know her… she’s such a sweetheart. :-) I expect lots of fun. Problems are local. All I have been living with and worrying about – here it doesn’t exist. Ok, maybe my bank account might be the (dis)connector. Nevertheless for these 3 weeks I am OFF.

the first meal in Mexico
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Friday, April 20th, 2007

Body contact every 0,2 seconds. Another level of “crowded”. Chicks with everything written down on their faces and in their moves. Not really sure what they want, but they pretending to know what they want. Best parties – Thursday night. Students only. If you are not a student you have to pay… 5 złotys… (1,2 euro)… Cool. This is the place where people don’t wear masks. Too young and too innocent to pretend. And the 2 old boys with nothing but good intentions. Koliba, baby. Have fun.
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Wednesday, April 18th, 2007
Pictures from exactly one month ago. My last weekend in Brussels. Carnaval in Belgium. In the middle of the night gins start marching in their wooden shoes. Behind them a drummer and another guy with a flute. this night is not a one to sleep. First people are joining. You cannot just start waking with them – you have to be from this community or know somebody. They enter houses on the way. They drink champagne and go to another house. They dance in front. Then enter and drink champagne. Cause this is not a night to sleep. This is the night to spread the magic.

This was a magical night which ended up with a big fight among 3 friends with a lot of fuck-offs and go-to-hells. But who would remember such detail after one months? :-)
Thanks Aurelie.
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Tuesday, March 27th, 2007

This one is dedicated to one Spanish Bastard and one Belgian Girl because of whom my stay in Brussels was such an amazing time. I will not even try to write how I feel about the time we had and how I felt leaving you. Even though it feels hard and cuts like a knife – life moves on. Time to spread some magic somewhere else!
Thanks guys. Much Love! And see you around!
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