Archive for the photos category
Wednesday, March 14th, 2007Came to Gdynia Tuesday-Friday. I needed to see the sea. I was sick of the city view to the horizon, heavy air and rushing crowds. In Gdynia life goes slower.
Cause this is my city and I am from here.
On Friday going to Brussels for one week (this time it will be the last one – but I have already had one which was kinda-last-one, so I think I will manage). Can’t wait to see the Spanish bastard and the nasty Belgian girl.
And I am counting down the days to the Mexico trip. Damn – I am absolutely not ready. But there is still some time. Princess… counting on you!
And remember kids – LIFE IS THE BEST (especially when you are Szymon K. – screw the rest :P ).
missing puzzles
Friday, March 9th, 2007
Space ship has landed.
Visiting Lille (Ola, Natalia, Magda, Szymon, Justyna)
This guy doesn’t fit here. Tomek visiting Brussels.
Nacho as always super-polite. And Marvin – South African.
Prince charming.
This is what happens when people borrow your camera (Ivana’s farewell party).
Just love this street and the contrast of small narrow houses and big skyscrapers (close to the place I’ve always parked).
Visiting Brussels is fun!
Rue Royale – the most important street in Brussels (Szymon lives here).
(temporary shaving)
On the way home.
Be my Valentine.
the best day of my life
Wednesday, February 28th, 2007Dear children,
I remember one evening in 2007. We were coming back at 2 pm in the middle of the night with some friends (Aurelie, Nacho, Cedric). We were quite tired (completely drunk). Suddenly we have noticed strange patterns on the Dexia building which was on our way home. Some psychodelic colors and figures moving on it. It looked as somebody was playing some crazy version of tetris on it. We came closer and noticed that this was happening for real, not because we were so tired (completely drunk). There was a control panel and you could control the patterns displayed on the building! But it was 2 am, so they were already closing.
We came there the following day. We were tired again but we made it on time. Using the big touch panel we painted the building in squares, lines, colors… It was awesome. We were playing like kids for a long time.
I remember that day clearly. This was one of the best days in my life.
Your grandfa,
dreaming of Himalayas
Wednesday, February 21st, 2007full of magic, beauty, opportunity… and television.
Sunday, February 11th, 2007Lots of things happened recently. Really good time. Magic moments. Impossible to describe. So just some photos…
Staying in Brussels till the 20th. End of an era.
something to remember
Monday, January 22nd, 2007Really crazy road trip to the Belgian coast. Me and Ignacio. Evening. Can’t say anything more (in case my kids were reading). Living is bad for your health. Photo with an Indian (Ignacio claims he was a sailor, but I am sure he was an Indian).
like a dream within a dream
Monday, January 22nd, 2007New Year’s Eve (or Sylvester) was for me one of the biggest cultural experiences for me. And it was all because of visitors – Ignacio’s friends coming to Brussels for a few days – 4 Spanish and 1 French.
Being with them was really great (even though they spoke Spanish a lot and I couldn’t understand a shit). After some time I understood that comparing to the Polish people, we should be on a prosac all the fucking time.
On the 31 we went first to Eindhoven. Just visiting which ended up with a nice photo session (picture above).
The thing that amazed me most was… cooking. These guys were working on that like well-oiled machines, which ended up with a table full of food.
In Spain you start ny eve with food and start drinking/partying at midnight. In Poland at midnight you are already fucking drunk and you are half way to a hangover.
Then there were fireworks and eating 12 grapes for 12 prosperous months (Aurelie joined us after family dinner).
Then there was a big rain in Brussels.
Then we went to a pub.
Then we did a lot of walking.
And then we went to a party on a barge.
And then we went home.
I really enjoyed it! Perfect ny eve. And no hangover!
More pics here.
it’s never pure
Saturday, December 30th, 2006Some pics from Brussels:
Concert at the pub of 2 million beers.
My street in a morning.
My district. I like the contras – small narrow houses vs. big skyscrapers.
One of those weekends that make you a few months older
Tuesday, December 19th, 2006One of those weekends that make you a few months older.
Friday – going uninvited with Ignacio to a party of our neighbours. 3 girls+1 guy living in a fucking nice 2-storey apartment. Maaaaany people (students), Żubrówka with apple juice and beers. Somehow couldn’t find a common language with those.
Saturday – I cook my first ever tortilla! We were invited to some latino friends of Ignacio. They work here as corporate bitches in PWC, E&Y, etc. Having a good life here. Nice looking girls/wives, nice clothes and expensive watches. Good food and good drinks. And quite nice after all. And a funny Serbian guy – Slavic blood rules! And the quote of the evening ‘you don’t understand, cause you don’t have an MBA’. Bottle of Gold Wasser, wine, tequilas.
Sunday – having a walk (looking for a car which we left). Then driving to Antverpen. Seeing around (so crowded!), beer, red district, back to Brussels, Ixelles, falafel, beer.
Monday – corporate life – 9-20. Nothing works right, everything crashes, error messages all around. Fucking bad day except for the fact they I bought a ticket to Mexico. Princess, I am coming!… in may. And going with Ignacio to the Xmas fair – hot wine and beer at Monk.
Friday, December 15th, 2006
they put xmas decoration everywhere. brussels is lovely now. just the snow is missing.
our girl
Tuesday, December 12th, 2006There is a new girl in our apartment in Brussels. Ignacio brought her home and she just stayed. She is extremely cute and I fell in love with her at the moment I’ve entered the apartment today and saw her. Here she is (with Ignacio):
Warsaw defined
Sunday, December 10th, 2006 I’ve spent here quite a while working my ass off here and partying… Warsaw – the capital of Poland. About 2 mln people. People love it or hate it. Busy living, busy dying. Fast life in the pure capitalistic frames. People wanting to have fun right now and right here and willing to pay for that. I am a part of this mechanism. Overworked and with some extra money to spend – deep in this shit. Warsaw baby… yeah, right?!?! hell yeah! ;-)
Accelerating The Speed Of Light
Tuesday, December 5th, 2006
Moved to Brussels! :-)Yeap, since Monday I am renting a room in downtown. Leaving with a Spanish guy (who went to Sweden at the moment) and feeling better. No more fucking hotels (at least for a while) and their prison-cell-like rooms, no more boring neighbourhoods. So if you wanna visit – just come.Some weeks ago I went for Poland-Belgium in Brussels.
I rarely watch games on TV and don’t care much about football… I’ve never been to a game like this, but it really was a nice experience. Thousands of Polish supporters and a good game. And we won!
Hard time at work – 10 hours per day at least. :( And it’s not even close to the end of the project. So it will be worse I suppose. :( That sucks. Totally.
And studies… Have to learn something from time to time. I never switch off.
Thinking about New Years Eve… Options: Poland (seaside), Brussels or Turkey. Will have to decide till the end of this week.
NYC is a place for single people wanting to stay single
Sunday, October 8th, 2006
Last week was quite busy. 3 days of work in Walldorf (Germany), later 2 days of team off-site meeting in Hanau (Germany). 60 people from 11 countries. Power of diversity. Polish team is the second biggest after Germans. We got an unofficial nickname “Former Soviet Republic”. LOL. At least this one is funny. In fact I am proud to be Polish and I am really happy that these were Russians who colonized us in 1945 not the Americans. I mean the culture…
This week I am spending in Warsaw. After spending some time in Germany I must say I really like it. Trams, people, streets… it all makes the well known pattern – my natural environment.
I am sick again. Autumn’s coming and I can feel it in my old bones.
Next week I am starting in Brussels. New adventure. I hope to have nice time there. And maybe find a girl to practise French… dirty French. hłehłehłe
some pics
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006 I love my corporation for those little surprises they keep preparing for me. This one – in the toilet of the Warsaw office – last week.
With Koala – my ex-flatmate. On Saturday in Warsaw.
View from my hotel window in Hirschberg Großsachsen, Germany. Made this morning.Today is German Unity Day – bank holiday in Germany. So we are sitting with some Polish colleagues in the empty factory (where usually 10.000 people work – SAP HQ, Walldorf, Germany). On Thursday and Friday I go to Hanau, Germany for team offsite meeting. Beer + propaganda.
Wednesday, September 27th, 2006
Went to a wedding during the weekend with my flatmate. Nice experience. Much food , much alcohol. :-)
I am a tram-traveler-junkie. Faces, billboards, cars outside and music in my head and me smiling. Fascinating.
little hero
Thursday, September 21st, 2006
Meet Mateo – half Mexican, half Venezuelan, living in Italy, met in Germany, held by a Polish guy. Crazy world he’s living in.
vs. reloaded
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006Liked the vs. thing. So here comes one more:
Polish style
Enjoy :-)
good question
Monday, September 18th, 2006 Billboard says “What makes you stay in this country?”. This is a part of an advertising campaign for a newspaper. Facts are: official data say that 500.000 people left Poland after integration with the European Union to work in the Western Europe. Unofficial data claim that the number is 2.000.000. Many of those are young people with their Masters Degrees who often prefer to do shitty jobs in London or Dublin than stay in Poland (and be unemployed or underpaid). The Polish reality.
guy with a plan
Tuesday, September 12th, 2006Very positive day -yesterday. Tram was late and got stuck in a traffic, so I went a few stops walking in the sunshine. Late for work – nobody cares. And at work everything worked well. No stress, just progress. :-) And a big plan in my mind. Life in slow motion.
wknd in Warsaw
Sunday, September 10th, 2006
Spent the weekend in Warsaw – recovering from sickness and visiting Warsaw with Domka (first time to see each other after her 1 year in India).
We visited the Warsaw Rising Museum – really nice exhibition about this important period in the Polish history which actually determined the further 50 years of this country.
Now I am planned to be in Warsaw till Sunday the 17th. Later… don’t know yet.
And one more pic from AIESEC IC in Warsaw (25.08.2006 – Global Village:
airport reality
Friday, September 8th, 2006
Another Friday jump Frankfurt-Warsaw. Next week in Warsaw. I am sick, wanna rest. Got project opportunity in Bruxelles. Half a year. Very good client. Really hope this will work out.
Thursday, September 7th, 2006
Warning on the main door of the building I work in (Walldorf, Germany).
Factory worker
Friday, September 1st, 2006On my way to the SAP “factory”. Walldorf – Germany. Everyday reality.